Thursday, January 6, 2011

100 prophets of the investment world in 21 century

Investigation of the effectiveness of investment on the first decade of the 21 century.
Created by Future Europe Rating association in 2010.

The rating technique is as follows:
we take the ratings of lucky investors that exit with the highest multipliers
and add the investors that invested in early stage companies that are now showing the fastest growth (according to and
The rankings have been based on the weight of investments, exits and market perceptions.

In total, our field of vision were more than 100 investment companies have provided over the past 5-10 years, long-term growth in sales volume at a level no less than 35-40% per annum, and got in at least two reputable international rating.

Then we compile a list of his investments in fast-growing companies, and rating them by the number of successes (exits and invested companies from top-growest sectors with the highest multipliers - the biotechnology and ITC, including social media network).

Consider how increased investment in the three most successful project for each of them.
Detail: We make individually-group rating, so if someone from the investors have invested together in the composition of a company
Somehow this company and should be put as the sum of the 3 most successful investments of its members.

The highest weight, we have given rating of FORBES -
TOP 10 MIDAS LIST - ranking formula weighs most heavily either the market capitalization of the venture-backed firm at the time of its initial public offering or the company's acquisition price if purchased by another corporation.

Rating of prophets of the investment world -

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