Saturday, September 28, 2019

The roots and remedy for crisis 2020

The roots of new economic crisis: Data-driven concentration of inequality. 
The remedy, data benefits fair distribution.

Telework Consortium Appeal:
Modern technologies can provide wealth to all people, if we create inclusive mechanisms for participation of data owners in the new economy value chain.

1. Disappearing Middle Class.

The history is the history of expropriation of wealth by more powerful and ingenious groups. Nowadays, the IT and AI automated and scaled this process.
 The impoverishment of 99% of the population is the inevitable trend of automation and new business models, which are most pronounced in the case of Amazon. The company that destroys jobs in retail has reached the point where it does not pay tax on its huge profits!
The company, which produces nothing other than distribution services, Amazon invests in information technology-related development (for ingenious deception of users) more, than all the governments of the world put together (if China is excluded) invest in AI and IT.
The Zeitgeist number one is the trend of the new economy and the sharing economy, which has arisen in connection with the possibilities of information technology to diminish the prices. This magic is possible thanks to processing of information accumulated over the entire history of individual markets and people.
The inevitable consequence of the appropriation of this information by corporations: a more efficient redistribution of wealth in favor of technically advanced corporations.
This leads to a decrease in the living standards of the middle class due to the deepening trends in the stratification of society and the concentration of capital in hands of 1–2% of corporations. Corporations thereby undermine their own economic base and lead to mega-crisis!

There is the first thesis of the Manifesto:
Modern technologies can provide wealth to all people, if we create inclusive mechanisms for participation of data owners in the new economy value chain.

Use case: DAYS.Exchange is the first data owners’ empowering platform focused on creating the first  AI-driven Health-Wealth sharing economy. DAYS platform will provide free healthcare and prosperity to all active participants, based on the efforts of each member of Health-Wealth app.

Section 2. Tipping point in data-driven wealth redistribution.

Sharing economy arose as a temporary relief of the fate of 99% of the world's population.
Corporations are accumulating capital by replacing human workers by AI-driven systems. However, in doing so the corporations serves as "its own grave-diggers"; the data owners inevitably will become conscious of their own potential to claim on their rights over data, which is the base of AI-system.
The continuation of current trends will lead to the situation where the effective demand will drop to zero as far as AI is implemented everywhere and all is automated. Where will the 99% of the population get money from?

The answer was proposed at ‪World Economic Forum 2019 by Paolo Sironi, in his new book “Financial Markets Transparency”. . “Financial Market Transparency” theory is about how to generate value for clients, society, the planet with ethical principles for bankers, fintech startups.

Based on this theory for the new economy, Edward DAYS developed Health-Wealth concept.

Health-Wealth concept: sharing economy 2.0.

The individualist mindset won’t make you wealthy in the new economy, where connections and mutual trust matters.
Economy 2.0 means greater date relatedness, with proactive participation of date owners in its processing. This implies various forms of rewarding date owners. For example, in the form of recommendations on health and safety.
The main benefit for HW app users is DAYS subsidizing insurance premiums for users with high HW Index. DAYS app incentivize people to be included in the activities of highly skilled teams who come together and change the world, starting with health improving predictive and preventive medicine.
DAYS members will participate in distribution of the outcomes from Uberization of healthcare, where 80% of cost are related to services, low efficient for now. Three types of motivation embedded into application will make users and clients more healthy, engaged and wealthy, since insurance companies will provide them with special plans, based on transparent data of their health conditions. 

Thesis number 2: the personal data belong to persons, not corporations.

Therefore, people are entitled to a portion of the wealth created by their information.

Section 3. New profession of faith: data miner.

PwC, the professional services company, has estimated that AI could be worth $15.8 trillion in increased global GDP by 2030. 

Thesis number 3:

empowering people with the rights to the benefits of using their information will create an unprecedented abundance. This will be the source of capital for the realization of the first thesis.

In the AI domain, a multitude of use cases requires partnering between data owners, data operators and established companies. In a recent survey of 1075 companies across 12 industries, researchers H. James Wilson and Paul R. Daugherty (authors of the book Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI, Harvard Business Review Press, 2018) found that the better companies were able to redesign business processes, embrace employee involvement, have an active AI strategy, responsibly collect data, and incorporate AI to complement employee skills. Artificial Intelligence Platforms including API.AI, Ayasdi, Google Cloud Prediction API, Infosys Mana, Kaggle.
There are several reasons why collaboration between users and companies is the best option, not only for both parties – but for the economy as a whole. Firstly, the technology develops amazingly fast. Therefore, in non-competitive use cases, technology from start-ups which supply many companies tend to perform better than a stand-alone solution for one specific application in one company.
DAYS sharing platform offers opportunities for participants of other sharing economies (Uber, WeWork).
The DAYS mobile app motivates users to engage in the partners’ events and to the commitment to a healthy lifestyle.
The leader of DAYS Consortium in development of Health-Wealth AI-driven platform is Ron Ribitzky, former Intel’s Senior Strategist. He used to develop a resembling platform 14 years ago.
Final scope is to provide DAYS contributors with a personal psychology and health coach, mentor. Sort of Emotional AI pictured by DAYS friend Omar Fogliadini.

Problems are the solutions!
Some of the world’s greatest minds, like Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak signed an open letter, warning against artificial intelligence used. Even Bill Gates and a lot of AI luminaries are warning about the dangers of the AI
The solution is to empower people to claim over their data. To claim for this power, we launch an appeal:

Users of all social networks, unite!

·         The authors of the Manifesto have outlining a set of short-term demands—among them:
·         a collective claim of users for their data by creation of Trade unions of the Social networks users;
·         abolition of Social media companies property over their users data;
·         supporting initiatives of protection of children, including protection of their future;
·         free education on digital instruments initiatives;
·         protection of personal data and communication;
·         centralisation of data sharing;
·         expansion of sharing economy 2.0., where people get inclusive position in value chains.

Final note.
We believe that sharing this information is our obligation. Using parts of our Manifesto as part of your presentation, talk or your work is allowed and encouraged as long as you always use visual representation and reference us appropriately.
 Changes to our mindset have to be marked as public discussion on taking your own data under control will progress.
The content of this insight is published under CC-BY 4.0.

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