Friday, December 15, 2017

Crypto-insurance project is to make Uberisation of healthcare

Crypto-project DAYS.Exchange is to aggredate cost-effective 4P medicine IT solutions (using Hyperledger).
To make an UBER-like lead generation platform for insurance and sanatorium companies.

DAYS goal is to attract clients from old health system into new crypto-insurance ecosystem designed by following tools:
· AI-based Health Index, the algorithm of scoring and balancing Investment portfolio,
· Two Blockchain panels of top-experts,
· Rating of 4P medicine experts,
· Rating of Healthspan suppliers,
· Incentives for participative medicine,
· Disruptive investment product motivating suppliers giving us the discount of 50%.
Second step: portfolio project MDBlockchain aimed to provide customers with heathspan solutions and AI based health assistant.
A transparent customer journey, consistent across channels, is key to meeting the expectations of highly-digital health consumers. This is uberisation of healthcare and insurance in DAYS holders’ favor

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Days.Exchange revolutionary blockchain project

Days.Exchange get ready to medicine investment disruption,  implementing blockchain technologies of verifacation of life extension startups. 

DAYS project have unique tools for verification of technologies to invest in. 

DAYS Scientific blockchain panel will vote on the Health and Lifespan companies funding and each expert proposed company for funding will pledge part of his DAYS tokens. Thus, DAYS system has incentives for top-experts to support and promote recommended startups.

First investments are Retrotope and Bioviva USA.

Pharma companies can find the funds for a rising of human life in the next 10-15 years. 
However, DAYS project may accelerate this pace, by Token Generation Event aimed to gather broad mass of investors in crowdfunding lifespan technologies. 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Crypto-insurance investment accelerator is looking for top-manager is a unique health & life insurance platform with lifespan Mission and Groupon-like business model.

DAYS unit-linked insurance allow to direct premiums into finacing innovative 4P medicine and life extension services. Instead we get a 50% discount for services of invested companies. And this is assuring high rate of return for DAYS contributors.

This is the world's first investment guarantee system. The block panel from the top scientists is entrusted to startups, which they recommend to invest.

The major characteristic of this model is the best efforts of renowned experts, which
support and administers DAYS backed companies, increasing the likelihood of a investment return.

Longevity Impact Foundation administering the DAYS system, announced a tender for the post of head of the management company. If you are a person with such interdisciplinary competencies as blockchain insurance and IT in healthcare, then contact the founder Eduard Mushinski,

Картинки по запросу management health

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Blockchain platform is to make the next social-economic revolution: 4P medicine.

DAYS is not just a crytpocurrency - it’s a complete economic platform in association with it’s exclusive Exchange Agent – Healthy Index by Swap Execution Facility (SEF). 

DAYS issuance is to create an unique opportunity for individuals to participate in the 4P medicine Revolution, and get benefits from process of disrupting current healthcare, which is not aimed to prolong healthspan.

·        Longevity Impact Foundation, Switzerland, is the emitent of DAYS crypto currency.
      In Longevity Impact, we believe in the intrinsic value of human life, so we make as a main goal to increase lifespan and well-being beyond 120 years.

·         We are awed by human resilience, and believe in the ability of all people to thrive. 

Longevity Impact

It is considered that a person's life span is largely determined by the combined effects of genetics and environmental factors. Lifestyle choices, particularly diet, exercise and smoking habits, play an undisputed role in determining not only how long one will live, but also how well one ages.

 Some studies suggest that the life span only in 22-30% is acconted for by genetic factors,  Swedish study finds claims lifestyle affects life expectancy more than genetics However, some recent studies indicate that genes are more important than lifestyle for longetivity

8.5 percent of people worldwide (617 million) are aged 65 and over. According to a new report, “An Aging World: 2015” this percentage is projected to jump to nearly 17 percent of the world's population 

Monday, July 24, 2017

The Quiet Master of Cryptocurrency — Nick Szabo

He’s a computer scientist, legal and cryptographer best known for his pioneering research in digital contracts and cryptocurrency.
The phrase and concept of “smart contracts” were developed by Nick with the goal of bringing what he calls the “highly evolved” practices of contract law and practice for the design of electronic commerce protocols between strangers on the Internet. Nick also designed Bit Gold, which many consider the precursor to Bitcoin.

"A premier thinker about history, law and economics, and the lessons they have for security." -- Adam Shostack, Emergent Chaos 

Unenumerated: Collecting metal: the inner and outer worlds of je...: