Saturday, January 5, 2019

DAYS AI for health and well-being

More and more we use computer programs and mobile apps to help us to do things. Neural network boom gave rise to even smarter, self-learning programmes – artificial intelligence (AI).
Can AI help us to overcome our biological limits to stay healthy?

Scientists have enough data to develop lifestyle recommendations, both general and personal, to improve health and make people live longer without diseases. 

Such recommendations even exist. But, it's so difficult to follow them. The reason for this is a lack of motivation which most people experience when trying to correct their lifestyle. 

We are not rational creatures, but emotional. Habits rule our lives. It's very difficult to change habits giving you direct dopamine to something promising happiness in the long distant future. Can we fix it?

DAYS Healthy-Wealthy approach.

Incentives for healthy behavior.

One of the good methods is doing something in a group of like-minded people, motivating each other. It is difficult to miss yoga class when your mates are there and they chat about their progress.

Another approach, to shift benefits from distant future to now. If keeping healthy lifestyle lets you get financial benefits right now, the brain starts to produce more dopamine even when you just think about raw broccoli. This allows a good habit to form. 

What DAYS Club members will get in the near future?

Application HWI giving personalized advice about lifestyle, motivating users to follow these recommendations will make people much healthier and will save many lives due to the prophylactics.

HWI app will consider personal genetics as well as diseases risks. It will personalize lifestyle, motivate, follow your progress, connect with other wearable devices to collect vital health data, communicate with doctors. Also, it's important, for such AI-based smart app to be contextual, it means to understand everyday human language. We should be able to communicate with it like with another person.
See what DAYS Club members will get since spring

Non-profit DAYS.Exchange is testing app HWI in 2 countries. This smart software is going to unite all the benefits described above.

We live in the era of smart machines and without any doubts, they will transform the way we see health and healthcare.

Motivation is king.

Now, when we know what to change, we need just to develop a good plan for each DAYS member. DAYS AI (in development) will do it, according to data provided by each user.

What to eat and when to do yoga or run. Following this routine will keep us healthy. It might include quit smoking, including regular physical exercise in your daily routine, correction of the diet, working and resting time. 

Motivation for healthy behavior are the social influence of friends, coaches and HWIndex increasing depending on your behavior. HWI 100% will give you 1000 euro first premium for the insurance plan.

Health is a bonus.