Thursday, April 18, 2019

RaaS Consortium based on Robot-as-a-Service concept by Edward Musinski

Uberization of outdated industries.
We in DAYS invited leading sharing economy players to create RaaS Consortium aimed at getting funded by Uber and SoftBank, since we will make Mass adoption of their autonomous vehicles & robots, due to Robot-as-a-Service concept by DAYS founder Edward Musinski.
How to make robots mass adoption?
Edward Musinski RaaS concept implies providing of marketing contracts to robot buyers. This way, they will make money, like automobiles owners can do it thank to Uber.
Shift from 'Supply Chain' to 'Value Chain' that impressed SoftBank founder:
instead of owning a robot, you own a piece of an autonomous vehicle company, and you have access to a fleet of robots and cars anywhere you are in the world.
 RAAS will dominate, since it will enable healthcare, insurance and financial services providers to lower the barriers to deployment of global distribution. Powered by predictive scores on data-driven Health-Wealth app, our solution uses validated assessment to measure discipline and give conditional ownership to the HW members.

It is an instant onboarding mechanism for mass adoption of robotics and Ai-driven mHealth.