Saturday, November 28, 2020

Sharing is new normal, Edward Musinski quote

Edward Musinski: “No matter your mistakes seem to be failures, are just interruptions in the journey to where you need to be. You need not fear them or any other obstacle in your life.’

The main mistake is not sharing your resource.

No man is an island. COVID did show this fact. 

Sharing is new normal. This is why #Trustnet project is announcing sharing initiative

What is Trustnet?

The core of the Trustnet blockchain-based AI-driven economy will be mainly based on the redistribution of health value of tens of millions of users, aggregated by influencers   

Monday, October 12, 2020

IMF - World Bank Rating of COVID solutions by Trustnet, replacement for World Economic Forum (WEF)

Davos World Economic Forum #WEF summit of business leaders has been postponed due to the pandemic.

At IMF - World Bank meetings will be announced that only the consensus on the Rating of COVID solutions could save the global economy.

 This Rating of COVID solutions will be made by the largest COVID/ AI experts organization Trustnet, at Lifetime Award, sort of replacement for World Economic Forum (WEF) 

IMF will gather under the cloud of the worst recession since the Great Depression, 

and recovery dependent on scientists finding coronavirus solutions

#LifetimeAward is sort of WEF-of-COVID, gathering top impact investors and hundreds of experts, influencers. By their participation, this list of validated #COVIDsolutions will be adopted by mass audience, stressed now by controversy in President Trump and other leaders messaging.

What is #Trustnet? 

Trustnet project for the safe reopening of businesses, was created at #WEF2020 by WHO/UN experts in pandemics and longevity. Coupled with American Association for Precise Medicine in Coronavirus Task Force, Trustnet has reached a number of 490 experts, as of October 2020.

Trustnet expert platform is doing certification of #COVIDsafety of businesses 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Trustnet-CCL: COVID safety: jobs for bloggers trained by experts

There is site where bloggers can get certified for this job.
The major social platforms such as YouTube and TikTok requires creators to have a minimum of 20k+ followers or receive an exclusive invitation to join, Trustnet has no such restrictions.
Trustnet allows brands to reach creators from multiple platforms from a single interface.
Trustnet soft-launched now, with a full launch planned for October, when Lifetime Award for COVID heroes will take place —

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Симптомы и профилактика коронавируса.

На первой стадии это действительно похоже на грипп: озноб, температура до 38,5, головная боль и ломота в суставах и мышцах, на третий день кашель, насморк и исчезновение обоняния и вкусовых ощущений (верный признак коронавируса и при отсутствии других симптомов). На шестой, сегодня, чувствую себя намного лучше. Но не обольщаюсь: вирус ведёт себя хитро, затихает, а потом с новой силой обрушивается.
Вкратце основные рекомендации от врачей (в принципе, я придерживаюсь таких рецептов при любом заболевании, как меня мама и учила всю жизнь):
- Температуру до 39 не сбивать. Вирус в ней сгорает, это здоровый защитный механизм организма. В крайнем случае парацетамол (не ибупрофен!).
- Полоскать горло и промывать нос - в носоглотке обычно скапливается вся гадость. Я использую фурацилин. Можно содово-соляной раствор с парой капель йода.
- Витамины C, D, B, цинк (!!!)
- Побольше горячих жидкостей. Любых. Можно каждые 20 минут по ложке, чтобы не высыхала ротовая полость. Чай с имбирем