What is Global DAISY expert system?
DAISY is an Internet platform for organization of activities and interaction with well-known international experts and persons with high social level, which possess exclusive knowledge and information; the platform has a paying system for participation in a webinar and further commercialization of video content for wider auditorium.
The study conducted by international experts Edward Mushinsky and Artur Arakelyan (Daisy founder) found that the source of all the world's major crisis, is the fall in aggregate demand.
Arising from this social dynamics led to the amplification of global currency, financial and political crisis. But at the heart of the changes are social information processes, the presence of a growing number of unemployed people.
This lots of people in need of retraining, additional knowledge. They has not yet had its global opinion leaders. Therefore, Daisy founders has create a platform for experts with actual knowledge. Daisy project was based around the idea of a new form of interaction between people around the world.
For this, Artur Arakelyan has create a site signmanifesto.org
The project "Sign the Manifesto" is a non-profit and does not represent any political party. It aims at the development of the principles of direct democracy and creating conditions for every citizen to realize his or her constitutional right to participate directly in the State governance.
This Online resource provides the possibilities to create a new social mechanism of popular referenda and votes on key issues of society life. Due to the Internet, there are created ideal conditions for the integration, communication and cooperation between people. This will allow us to express our will in a more organized, integrated and secure way. This mechanism will allow public institutions to interact directly and clearly see what issues and problems are the most severe in the society.
The people’s signatures and their participation in the development of Manifesto can create the necessary "critical" mass and then the document would be impossible to ignore. Then it will be easy to find legitimate, legal status for compulsory execution at international and local level.
About Daisy project http://futurerating.blogspot.com/2012/08/artur-arakelean-and-expert-video.html
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