Sunday, December 1, 2019

Davos forum presentation of Em-Tech rating and Strong AI

Technologies can save global economy from new mega-crisis.

A key catalyst of the dotcom bust was the collapse of unprofitable public technology companies that went out of business. When the amount of capital returned is substantially less than the amount invested, the market corrects via an exodus of capital out of an asset class.
The second reason for a potential correction is that the long feedback loop described above will soon begin to kick in for venture funds raised between 2010 and 2015. These funds are now approaching years five to ten of their vintages, and LP’s are beginning to look for cash-on-cash returns.
Poor performance by the largest venture funds would have the biggest negative impact on the markets. The Softbank Vision Fund, the largest of them all, is having difficulty raising its second fund [16], due to the recent WeWork debacle as well as the poor post-IPO performance of Uber and Slack. The Vision Fund appears particularly exposed to companies with low gross margins and a lack of profitability.
The third reason is due to the how corrections happen. While technology markets overheat very gradually, they correct sharply. Funds will likely be more difficult to raise, and many firms may leave the market, as occurred in 2001.

The bright part of the crisis 2020.
More than half of Unicorn technology companies are founded in recession periods, and the number of companies hasn’t differed significantly across periods. [21] In particular, during periods of recession, technology companies that enable enterprises to become more efficient and consumers to reduce costs and will thrive.
The new company by Elon Musk is to help underassured people to thrive.
Elon Musk, has finally announced why he’s stepped back from Tesla and SpaceX, his most beloved companies. His new venture, called QuantumAI has seen invest over 2 billion dollars in just the past 2 years - to develop and code QuantumAI

Elon decided to put all of this power to work in a financial technology with the plan of redistributing the world’s wealth.

Basically, to take from the top 0.1% and give back to the 99.9%. Elon believes wealth is not distributed well in our time and the problem is getting worse. Although there will always be someone richer and someone poorer, the current situation is unacceptable – where the top 0.1% controls almost 90% of world's wealth. He believes he can cut that down to around 20% without causing world-wide financial crisis. So, what exactly does that mean to you, just a regular person? This means you’ll become 2 - 3 times wealthier, and no one except the super-wealthy will take a hit. Sounds amazing, doesn't it? Not for the super-wealthy, but for you – yes!

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