Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blogger revolutions. Predictions and news

In future revolution will be sponsored by USA and supported through Internet social networks.

American diplomacy has in fact included the freedom of internet access in the list of human rights and freedoms that the United States be obliged to protect globally.

Head of the U.S. Department of State Hillary Clinton spoke on Tuesday with a landmark speech on "the Internet, the pros and cons: the choice and challenges in the world, to connect the global network," which cautioned that all dictatorships, including China, and limiting access of its citizens in a global network.
U.S. and its companies serious about the promotion via the internet revolution. When the Egyptian authorities have closed their citizens access to Facebook and Twitter, and then to the Internet, Google has even launched a special service that allows people of Egypt to send messages to Twitter using voice calls from your mobile.

How the bloggers have made a revolution in Tunisia - see


Sponsorship of the revolutions in social networks has led to what is just a riot in Libya.

Violent clashes, in which were involved supporters and opponents of the authorities and the police, occurred last night in the city of Benghazi in eastern Libya.

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